Hi again, Mom here.  Melissa and Justin are back out in the rain today – and before they lost cell service, Melissa sent her GPS coordinates.  You can tell by this satellite photo that they are in a rainforest (so green!).  I wonder if Missy’s favorite color will still be green after these last wet weeks.  And I no longer automatically equate the word “rainforest” with warm temperatures (seems like tropical rainforests get all the attention).

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Below is a different view of their location as of this morning, with their most recent stop (where they sent the photos, videos and blog entry just below this one) and their next stop marked with the letter “M” (for mail stop).

[singlepic id=92 w=640 h=480 float=center]

Of course, I can’t leave off the big map.  They are getting so close.  These last miles sound pretty brutal, with the rain and Justin’s hurt foot.  Think positive thoughts – and stay tuned!


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