I challenged myself while setting the alarm to give me 14 minutes to get up, throw on my running clothes, brush my teeth, eat some cereal and be in the car driving the 3 miles, to meet up with Ron, and Todd, for a morning run at 5:30.  I managed to make the tight schedule, but didn’t quite finish the cereal, probably best I didn’t.  This was my first run with these two guys, and I was pleased to have some running company as I usually train by myself.  I was without my headlamp so had to run a bit closer than I normally would to catch a glimpse of the dark roads.

Witnessing the sunrise always seems to rejuvinate the soul.  I have found that there is something so satisfying about waking up and watching a new day begin, especially when I am out on my feet or my saddle.  And the exercise gives me an even more overwhelming sense of energy.  The 10 k interval training seemed to fly by and I found myself in the kitchen having a quick breakfast number two of yogurt and granola, and a piece of toast with almond butter and preserves.

I quickly exited the house to avoid traffic on my 20 minute commute, returning to the high school special education class for another day of laughs.  We wroke the final day of August on the board, and discussed how there would be no class for 3 days.  I find it humbling how each student really wants to be here and enjoys the support of a community, and the love for the aides and teacher.  I watched my sister work in this field for 3 years in Santa Cruz, and speaks of how it really shows humility and reminds us not to sweat the small stuff.  Life is about having a good time, and dancing like nobody is watching, and in these students case, it is obvious they know how to do that (they ahve some serious moves on the morning hokey-pokey).

Satisfied with the first week of clinic, and impressed by the adult turnout on Tuesday and Thursday.  I am looking forward to beginning our fitness membership tomorrow so I can spend a little more time in the water preparing for Santa Cruz triathlon.

Following swim, Melissa scooped me up and we drove to Davis to visit with George and Gabe at her folks house for a small dinner get together in celebration of Georges birthday.  The food was delicious and prepared with extra love and organic vegetables from their garden.  We ate cake and ice cream and found ourselves discussing sports and Lance Armstrong.  We took the longer way home to avoid the traffic stoppage on I80 and were asleep before the light bulb cooled.

So happy to have Melissa back around…

Favorite food:

Homemade eggplant parmesan, and perfectly prepared garlic bread, with homemade cake and frosting and organic vanilla ice cream…..mmmmmm.



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