A lovely Saturday morning of riding bikes, same time, same place, even more tired this than last weekend.  The difference today, was that Don, a swim-team dad, and Arden Park Triathlon organizer provided company and conversation (until the ramped up too high for chatter).  We enjoyed the beautiful weather, and large crowd (somewhere around 40+), but were happy to return to bike trail on the way home.  I have learned that pack-riding really takes practice to relax, and maybe that is just the nature of it, but awareness and reaction have got to be top notch, as high-speeds and one mistake could really wreck your day (literally).  So when things wind down, I am always happy to have a little breathing room, and not have to worry about another riders potential mistake or lack of calling out a road hazard.

I added an extra banana in the post ride smoothie today, and was bummed to find out we didn’t have any more Trader Joe’s turkey meatballs to add to my left- over pasta, but a black-bean burger did the trick.  I am currently packing and tying up some loose ends before we depart early morning tomorrow to watch the Arden Park Tri Moms compete at the Sprint Triathlon at Rancho Seco.  Following the race, we are headed for Los Gatos, and then Hawaii bound on Monday.

I have butterflies of excitement and anticipation of what the island has in store for us, and am really looking forward to spending time with Melissa and her family.  I titled today’s post perfect score, as I am quite proud as Melissa scored perfect on her first biology lab quiz.  She was nervous, even though in quizzing her on the flashcards she made, she seemed safe to me, but in the end I could hear the excitement in her voice as she called to tell me the great news.

This afternoon has been spent lounging around, preparing the workouts for next week, and cooking some fish, and thai veggie curry.  Indeed I will sleep like a log tonight.


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