Today, I awoke early after diffiuclty sleeping, and a terrible dream. In short my teeth were falling out, one by one, and then I realized that a whole section of my bottom teeth came out, and finally my front tooth, and as it popped out, a giant bug of some sort came out, I was arguing with the dentist, and convincing him that he implanted my gums with some bug. I woke up happy to discover they were all there, in tact, and without bugs chewing at the roots. I asked myself what this meant, and in having a dentist appointment next week, perhaps there is some anxiety about a potential spot on an older inlay, but maybe the dream was revealing some nervousness about my upcoming current guest teacher job at Natomas High School.
As it turned out, I am in a class with special education students. These students view the world through a different lense and it is much easier to laugh at a behavioral action knowing that it comes from a disability and not a lack of respect. We all have needs and when you approach someone with an open mind and heart and know that we are all on a path towards being better, it makes being in the classroom so much fun, and in working with special education before, I find it is much more pleasurable to accomodate special needs, rather than special wants.
The afternoon at the pool brought smiles, as swimmers are still adjusting to the new underwater mirrors that the team just purchased. With every lap swimmers find themselves in awh of what is looks like to watch themselves move through the water. Following the adult fitness swim, I was invited to have dinner at the Lehrer’s house, an invitation I couldn’t turn down. The Lehrer’s have three outgoing, and bubbly kids on the team, and Dr. Lehrer is a one of the regular Wednesday cyclists I mentioned in my previous entry.
The evening was spent enjoying delicious Mexican Goulash, and great conversation. I also got some quality attention from Sophie and Charlie, their two loving dogsm before I returned home to complete my bed prep and zonk out just before 10 pm… Another joyous day.
Enjoyable moments:
High fives from special ed students!
A thank you note from a new swimmer on the fall swim team… more on her to follow.