With a 3:50am alarm we will rise and shine tomorrow, heading to Seattle by plane before riding our bicycles to Alaska!  We are excited for a new adventure although we are having chlorine withdrawals not cheering on our AP Dolphins on the pool deck! Stay tuned as the journey begins Read more…

Justin’s Kona Ironman World Championship Race Report

10298818_10103562736673953_8013227448453060733_nHumbled.  Not sure where to begin on reflecting for a race report so I’ll start with the 3:30 wake up before the alarm.  A bowl of my favorite cinnamon shredded wheat and two pieces of toast on Dave’s Killer Bread and we were soon to be out the door.  My sign on the fridge reminding me of my special needs bags in the freezer was accompanied by a new sign that read “GO JUSTIN, You are our superstar.”

With bags in hand, we got in the car to make our way to a parking spot at a hotel on the “hot corner,” (a popular viewing spot where athletes pass 7 times on the course) that was given to us by Melissa’s sister, Jessica.  Her and her husband are celebrating their 25 year anniversary and chose to come to the big island to support me.  They have great energy and managed to give a ride to a couple who happened to be staying there, and in exchange they offered a parking spot since they did not have a car.  We happily took up the offer. (more…)