Here you can see how a week at Outdoor School can influence both children and their parents.
“it took my breath away…so perfect and vivid that you ask yourself is this real.” ” everything feels so calm and peaceful… you think not even the best technology can make something so beautiful” (Quotes from Students writing below – click to enlarge)
” a week with no technology opens your eyes to see things we ignore in the city or town.” “see what we have been missing, the world around us.” “we see each other in a better way then I did before.” (Quotes from student’s writing above – click to enlarge)“I can’t explain it, but we have all bonded… I can trust my fellow classmate and they will be by my side.” (Quote from student’s writing below – click to enlarge)
” O how beautiful is the wind!… hear it whisper to the leafy treetops… see the clouds run from it… feel it gently carress your face… O how beautiful is the wind!” (Quote from student’s writing below)
“Our team- we are one… like the gears of a machine… as one, we have strength. Apart we are weak.” ” No man can stand against a force greater than his own alone… together we are strong.” (Quotes from student’s writing above)
“This week I experienced all the wonders of nature… but we are nothing compared to something so majestic.” “Life is not scary, but an adventure just waiting to be explored.” (Quotes from student’s writing below)
“I realzied that I learned more about my friends in fours day than I would have in four months at home.”(Quotes from student’s writing above)
” Out of all the camps I’ve been to, this one is my favorite.” You really inspired me to follow my dream… my favorite thing in life is nature and to learn all there is to know about it. I think I’m doing pretty well so far!” (Quotes from student’s writing above)