Coach, Coach, Coach!!!!!  The calls wake me in my sleep as I am dreaming about which swimmers to place on a relay and how that might change the outcome of the meet score.  My days have been filled with excitement by the poolside, with heart melting smiles, laughter, and shouting and swimmers to keep their ears above the water.

I haven’t had a lot of time since diving-in feet first to a head-coaching position for the Arden Park Dolphins. I began the second week of April and have found myself busy nearly every waking moment since morning workouts began when school ended the middle of June.  Melissa and I have found ourselves driving more than we would like to, and are comfortable with, since we didn’t quite position ourselves well early on and found ourselves moving from Davis to Fair Oaks after just 6 weeks.

This move proved to be a prime location, where we could access the bike trail, where I bicycle commuted to work, and we managed to swim frequently, living closer to an aquatic complex.  Melissa took up pottery at a local studio, and we lived near our favorite grocery Trader Joes.

After a short time, the woman we were renting from, began micromanaging our every move, from telling us how to wash glasses and load the dishwasher, to asking outrageous demands of picking the cherrie trees for her, so she could sell them and make some extra money!

We quickly realized that craigslist, had helped us to land an uncomfortable situation, and we decided to take my cousin Stacey up on her offer to let us hang out and live with her for a short time.

We are now on our third living arrangement and loving every moment, that we get to spend there.  My cousin, who graciously supported and donated to our cause last year, has a precious 4 year-old, Gracyn.  She brings us so much joy, and is always so excited to see either of us upon arrival.  She tells us stories of her magical nature moments she enjoys throughout the day, and is most excited about the newest baby fish who lives in the fishtank.  We are so thankful to have such a loving and compassionate family.

Last weekend, Melissa and I competed in the Total Body Fitness Tri For Real Triathlon.  It has been about 4 years since I raced on their course, or any course for that matter, and have enjoyed it every time.  It was home to my first race, and now Melissa’s first race.  Thank you to my dad and sister who joined us for the excitement and support.

The owners, Mark and Bill, of TBF Fitness give the race a local home-town feel and are excited to announce each finisher as they cross the line.  Fortunately the weather cooperated and the temperature remained cool, all but the water temperature that is.  Melissa rocked her first race, and finished 5th in her age group, accomplishing her goal of beating 3 hours, in 2:47.  As for myself, the race hurt a bit more than I was prepared for, perhaps because myself and a couple of others managed to run a bit further since the run-turnaround hadn’t been set out yet.  Fortunately I knew the course and didn’t make the mistake of the current race leader at the time, who ran an extra 2 miles….oooouuch!  I finished in a 2:07, just about where I proposed for the training I had done, and managed to win my age group, however, the fella who ran too far should have gotten the title, but he was training for a big half-ironman distance in September and said he didn’t mind the extra miles…. that’s the right attitude.

So I have just two more weeks left in the season, before the final preparation and departure for South America bike tour on August 11th.  I am looking forward to the remaining swim meets as we have managed to swim fast, despite being moved up into a more competitive conference.  This was inevitable after huge victories last year, including beating the Amador Polar Bears, my own alumni and team that birthed my swimming career.  Off to practice I now go…..

With the summer almost behind us, I look forward to a more regular dinner time (practice schedule is from 4-8 pm) and not having to lather on layer upon layer of sunscreen.

~ Coach Justin and the scent of chlorine!


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