Being a public school teacher is hard work. Middle schoolers are constantly testing the boundaries, more and more demands are placed on the shoulders of teachers by administrators, and often it feels like we are fighting this uphill battle with limited support from parents and the community. I say this as I have spent the past six years at a Title 1 program-improvement school in a socioeconomically disadvantaged urban setting. I enjoy the many challenges that I am faced with and welcome the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop my craft as a teacher.
One big perk of being a teacher is enjoying the lengthy holiday breaks. Students welcome the time away from the high stakes testing, and busy rigor in the classroom, and teachers appreciate the opportunity to get a few of the things done that fall by the wayside. This year, we opted for a staycation after our returning just a month prior from seven weeks in Fiji and New Zealand. We spent time at my mother-in-laws house, and enjoyed the first few nibbles of winter as this fall has felt more like summer. Each day we make it a priority to take a family walk and breathe in the fresh air. Of all the things I am grateful for, my health and the health of my family are at the of top the list.
Having the ability to move through time and space with this body, to hold and feel the touch of another human (especially those tiny fingers), and embrace my heart beating as I challenge myself physically are all things I do not take for granted. When you explore the benefits of practicing gratitude, there is a nice long list including:
-Improved sleep, reduced aggression, improved self esteem, improve phycological and physical health… and more
All of this to say, that as we savor each breathe, each moment, and each opportunity to connect to others and with our outdoors, may we practice gratitude. The more we can model this by recognizing others, out-loud and in front of people, the more we can enjoy the benefits that come from gratitude.
Each day, Melissa and I remind each other of how fortunate we are to be where we are along this journey we call life. We are filled with gratitude this year after welcoming a healthy tiny human into our tribe and look forward to a new road full of adventures ahead.

Karen Kobza · February 22, 2021 at 5:48 am
Beautiful story. Just watched you guys on tv. May God bless your journey!!
Melissa · February 28, 2021 at 9:22 pm
Thank you so much!